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Prepare to be amazed, but not in a good way. In fact, these stories of bridezillas out of control may make you question your faith in humanity. It’s understandable that a bride would want her wedding day to be perfect, but the lengths that some go to to make that happen are extreme and unpleasant in many cases. To any potential bride reading this, take this article as an example of how not to act. For everyone else, sit back and enjoy the downright wild actions of these bridezillas.
Knowing Her Priorities
Would you choose to take care of your dying father or go to a friend’s destination wedding? If you are like me, the correct answer to that question is obvious. While weddings are a once-in-a-lifetime moment, for most, helping your father through his dying days is just that much more important.

That’s the same conclusion that this storyteller came to. Unfortunately for her, it meant that she lost a friend in the ordeal as well. But, as this account seems to indicate, perhaps she was not much of a good friend anyway. After all, family is definitely more important than any wedding trip!