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We are inundated with signs, advertisements, and commercials everywhere we turn. Some experts estimate that the average American sees upwards of 10,000 ads a day. That’s a lot of signage! Thankfully, not all signs are trying to sell you something. There are some hidden gems among all the noise that help brighten our day and make us laugh. Of course, there’s a Facebook group called Absurd Signs dedicated to the most hilarious signs found out in the wild. These photos are sure to put a smile on your face and break up the monotony of boring ads and informative plaques that we see every day of our lives.
#1: No Shrinkage Here!
This Subway decided to give up and just put the most unhinged message on their signboard one winter. It reads, “Our subs are six inches even when it’s cold outside.” Oh my! This store’s manager must have been on vacation because there’s no way corporate would have approved this message.

At least it’s true, right? A Subway six-inch sub will always and forever be six inches. Until you eat it. Other people’s six-inchers? Not so much. There’s no shame in that, but it’s not really a fair comparison. Have no idea what we’re talking about? Bless your innocent heart and soul.