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Ah, Karens. Honestly, there are some very good ones out there, but the name has become synonymous with “call the manager” and “let’s sue eight-year-olds” for no reason. Urban Dictionary says a Karen is a “Middle-aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others’ problems an inconvenience to her although she isn’t even remotely affected.” I have to say I agree with that statement to an extent. I’d like to add that most Karens are blonde by choice and genuinely believe they are inconvenienced by whatever nonsense they’re talking about. All that said, if you’re a cool Karen, I am so sorry pop culture has ruined your name! Still, it’s a thing and we can’t fight it, so let’s get on with reading about all the Karen stories that have popped up on Twitter.

#1: Personal Space
It’s astounding how many people will get into your personal bubble. Sure, when you’re in line, having six feet between each person isn’t feasible, but surely a good four feet would work? According to an interview with Edward Hall on NBC News, only friends and acquaintances should be within the 1.5-foot to 4-foot parameter. Closer than that, and they better be family or your best friend.

Beyond the four-foot parameter is public space and no longer personal. We feel comfortable at that point and not as if someone is encroaching on us. This Karen took offense to actual human nature and decided to try to make a point by stepping across the room. That’s some genuinely unnecessary drama for an adult.